
sharp mobile sim unlock (sh06e)

SH-06E SimFree/MVNOテザ 自動化ツール


Rootkit and SIM-unlock instructions for 102SH & 104SH


*** Temporary Root and SIM-Unlock Guide for Sharp Softbank 102SH and 104SH ***

1. Open a command window A and execute:

adb shell "while : ; do ln -s /data /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; done"

2. Open a command window B (a new window, do not close the first one) and execute:

adb restore f-10d_2.ab

Please choose "Restore my data" on your phone. When you see "Restore complete" or something like that,
then /data should be writable.

3. Press CTRL+C in window A, then execute:

adb shell "while : ; do ln -s /data/resource-cache /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; done"

4. Execute the following command in window B:

adb restore f-10d_2.ab

Please choose "Restore my data" on your phone. When you see "Restore complete" or something like that, 
then /data/resource-cache should be writable.

5. Execute the following commands in window B

adb shell rm -r /data/resource-cache
adb shell ln -s /sys/kernel/uevent_helper /data/resource-cache
adb reboot

After your phone reboots into Android,

6. Press CTRL+C in window A, then execute:

adb shell "while : ; do ln -s /data/resource-cache /data/data/com.android.settings/a/file99; done"

7. Execute this command in window B:

adb restore f-10d_2.ab

Please choose "Restore my data" on your phone. When you see "Restore complete" or something like that,
execute these commands:

adb push mkdevsh /data/local/
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/mkdevsh
adb shell "echo /data/local/mkdevsh > /sys/kernel/uevent_helper"

Then turn on wi-fi and then turn it off.
Your phone should be temporary rooted.

Then execute these commands:

adb push sharp_ste /data/local
adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/sharp_ste
adb shell
$ /dev/sh
# /data/local/tmp/sharp_ste

And your phone will be SIM-unlocked. Enjoy!

*** Original method and guide in Chinese by TTHEAVEN from Beijing.
*** English translation by WW2739 and Cheeseus.


SH-06E SimFree化。一人で出来るもん!


.\work\SHSimControlApp.odex をbksmali で逆アセ。
.\SHSimControl\jp\co\sharp\android\SHSimControlApp\SHSimControlCommon.smali ソース内を弄る



Softbank 富士通 ARROWS A 301FのSIMロック解除を公式方法で頼んでみる(HTC速報Dev)


au LG LGL22 isai LGL23 G FlexのSIMロック解除について (HTC速報Dev)


au SOL22 Xperia UL / SOL23 Xperia Z1 / SOL24 Xperia Z UltraのSIMロック解除について (HTC速報Dev)

