
(CoIDE)how to contribute to the Manufacture peripheral library project


This file shows how to contribute to the Manufacture peripheral library project. 

The contributer can:

1. Add a new Manufacture peripheral Library which CoIDE not support yet.
2. Improve Manufacture peripheral Library and correction bugs
3. Add a new example to the existing library
4. Update Manufacture peripheral Library which CoIDE already supported.
5. Just add a new chip to CoIDE.

1. Add a new Manufacture peripheral Library which CoIDE not support yet.

    1.1. Completed Manufacture peripheral Library Directory Organizition

    The root directory of the Manufacture peripheral Library is 
/$manufacturer$\$series$, such as /ST\STM32F1xx.

    This is Completed Manufacture peripheral Library Directory Organizition include Library, examples, 
Some of the information required to support CoIDE.

/$series$ (Mini51 for example)/
 manufacturer library of Mini51.
  CMSIS manufacturer library
    cmsis boot include startup and CMSIS ARM Device Peripheral Access Layer File
    MINI51 is the name of series
   A example project include all the MINI51 manufacturer library files
   The example of a peripheral 
         Chip device file which is used by CoIDE.If you want CoIDE to support a new chip,you can write
      a file like this.
     flash algorithm of Mini51
  Somer resources of Mini51
  Use to gen the CoIDE project

    1.2 Steps to add a Manufacture peripheral library to a new series mcu
Things you need to do:
- Download Manufacture peripheral library from its official website.
  Download reference Manual from its official website.

- Split the Manufacture peripheral library to a series components.
  Mini51 for example can Split to acmp, adc, fmc, gpio, i2c, pwm, spi, sysctl, timer, uart, wdt, system define, cmsis_boot, assert, core.
  Generally speaking, a components is a C file with a H file,such as gpio.c and gpio.h. So a peripheral component is simple

- Write a description document which used to show what is this component how to use this component for each component.
- Write a description document which used to show how to upload this component for each component.
- Wirte an example and corresponding document for each component.this document show what is the example for and how to use this example
- Use the CoIDE to compile and test your code.
- Commit to your fork repository, and send pull request on the github.

Overall, a complete Manufacture peripheral library include the support information of CoIDE chip , component , component documentation , examples 
(test project and source code ) , examples of documentation .
The general situation is that ,you must support the chip before you can support the Manufacture library.

Explaining the steps by taking example for adding a complete Manufacturer peripheral library.
a.Download the appropriate Manufacturer peripheral library source code, reference manuals, data sheets from the official website;
  Fork coocox Manufacturer peripheral library project from https://github.com/coocox/MPLib. Clone vendor library source from 
  Of course ,you need to register for an account on https://github.com ,then need to install git before you can do above matter. 
  Installation method is as follows : http://help.github.com/win-set-up-git/.

b.Copy \resource\template file folder to   /$manufacturer$/ directory.The $manufacturer$ is the name of the Manufacturer 
  which you are transplanting , and common is ST, TI, Atmel, NXP, holtck, Nuvoton, Energy Micro, ARM 
 (This is a special manufacturer , the M0, M3 , M4). Renamed the "Template" to $series$, the $series$ is the series such as 
  NUC1xx , M051 , LPC17xx and STM32F1xx etc. .

c.In /$manufacturer$\$series$\config\device\directory , rename template.xml file to $chipname$.xml , for example: STM32F103VB.xml .
  Refer to the reference manual, data sheet , replace the "XXX" in this file to a valid information .Each "XXX" followed by the 
  corresponding notes reminder. If the Manufacture library support multiple chip, each chip corresponds to a chip file. You need to
  write a file(file name is the chip name) for every chips.
d.In the /$Manufacturer$\$series$\Flash\ directory , rename the folder "template" to the "$series$" . According to the Reference Manual
  and the following link contents to achieve FlashAlgoFncs.c and FlashAlgoInfo.c files .Use the GCC compiler to make makefile to generate
  the required flash algorithm .
  Links is: http://www.coocox.org/CoFlashGuide/CoFlash_UserGuide_Algorithm.htm.
e.In /$manufacturer$\$series$\config\debugger\ directory , rename template.xml file to the $series$.xml , such as lpc17xx.xml sam3uxx.xml.
  Refer to the reference manual, data sheet , replace "XXX" in this file as a valid information . Each " XXX " followed by the 
  corresponding notes to remind . When write memory map you should note that you need to fill the mapping of all the corresponding module .

Until this point , CoIDE can support the chip or a series of chips . How to support it? You only need to submit these documents to github 
and CooCox will arrange support .Then you can begin the component supporting.
component supports have two parts ,one is the basic component (include component document) , the second is the component corresponding 
example (test project and documents) .

f.Open the Manufacture peripheral library which download from the official.Copy the source code to
  /$manufacturer$\$series$\cmsis_lib\lib directory according to the directory organization.
  Special attention to the startup code , if the official library, including the GCC startup code ( C file) ,
  then rename the GCC start code to startup_coide.c , if the C startup code file is not available or
  only provides the S startup code file , you need to transplant one .
g.Open the IAR project file under /$manufacturer$\$series$\cmsis_lib\all\example\ewarm directory . Readd the file in accordance with the 
  project directory organization . Open the project options, configure your chip , debugger , and other information according to the
  actual situation. Ensure it can compile pass.

h.Open CoIDE . New a project named coide_empty_project , chip select corresponding chip ( Step 5 do support that) , do not selected
 any of the components , compile , clean .
  In the project directory,use the Notepad to open the build.xml file , find <includepath path="."/> , add following lines below 
  this line.
      <includepath path="cmsis_lib"/>
      <includepath path="cmsis_boot"/>
      <includepath path="cmsis_core"/>
      <includepath path="cmsis_lib\include"/>
  Save. Then copy all the files outside the main.c to /$manufacturer$\$series$\resource\coide_empty_project\ directory.

i.Run /$manufacturer$\$series$\coide_gen.bat to product CoIDE project . 
  Open the CoIDE project in /$manufacturer$\$series$\cmsis_lib\all\example\coide_gen. Do compilation tests .
  When spliting CoIDE components , you need special attention to the file like lib.h config.h that manufacturers library provide.
  This file is used to configure each components header files to be included or not.
  CoIDE can automatically add components Dependencies, so do not need this file .
  After compile pass, the basic components of the source code does not require changes . If compile do not pass, 
  the most likely reason is that the boot code error or parameter checking code error.

j.Under /$Manufacturer$\$series$\cmsis_lib\ directory, create a folder for each component, there already has a template ( the adc ),
   use $components$ to indicate the components folder. There are two directories in the $components$ , a component document directory, 
   a component example directory. Component document directory including component upload documentation and components help documentation.
k.Component upload documents , essential informations when uploading component : the name of the component ( ADC ), 
   component description , in CoIDE in category ( manufacturer libraries are Peripheral ) , file path , file path in CoIDE ,
   dependencies, the list of support chips.
   Dependencies is that the use of one component must rely on other components , for example, any component must depend on CMSIS_BOOT
   and clock module , the UART depend on the GPIO , under normal circumstances , the peripheral components will depend on the 
   clock module , GPIO and CMSIS_BOOT .

l.Components help document consists of two parts , First, what is this component , what functions , what features ? ( What ). Second, 
   how to use the components,including the steps and application examples , can also contain some additional information , 
   such as circuit diagrams , the development board . There has a html simple template in $components$/document.
To far, CoIDE the components have been fully supportted , you can upload component in accordance with document that provided by coocox 
(using the project in /$manufacturer$\$series$\cmsis_lib\all\example\coide_gen ) , document link is http://www.coocox.com/CoIDE/Upload_component.html .
You can also submit the contents to the github, and then notify CooCox to upload .
m.After component transplant completed , you also need to add one or more examples for each component, you can still the transplant 
   examples provide by manufacturers , more things you need to do when transplant examples as the change is relatively large , 
   mainly in transplantation of printf , redirection and getchar . CoIDE can automatically add the example to project and be called in
   main.c.That is, the CoIDE examples have some special form of expression. So CoIDE examples need to pay attention to the following points .

n.Example only supports one file , a C file , so if the example contains more than a C file,you need combine them to a C file ; 
   examples can be automatically called in main.c , so the main function of the examples must be put on the first position of the 
   example file , the statement can be placed on the front . For example, an example file which contains three functions ,state 
   these three functions in the file front (the order does not matter ) ,
   Then, the main function must be the first function the three functions, the main function of the mean is , this function will
   be automatically called in the main.c . The following structure , functionC will be called in the main.c .
   void functionA(void);
   void functionB(void);
   void functionC(void);
   void functionC(void)
   void functionA(void)
   void functionB(void)
   The function name of example must do not have a special symbol and spaces.

o.The process of example transplant, open the IAR project under the $components$/example\template\ewarm directory.
   Readd the file in accordance with the project directory organization. Open the project options, configure your chip , 
   debugger , and other information according to the actual situation. Compile the project, it will pass if you has been 
   completed the previous component supports. Then open template.c file , write your example in this file. compile, download , test 
   , debug , until the phenomenon is entirely correct . To run coide_gen.bat , use CoIDE project to test it again.

p.Write an examples documentation followed by completing the examples, example documentinclude the name , description, version,
   development board that supported , file path , dependencies.
   The part of description without spaces before each line , and should be only 66 characters each line.
   dependencies depends on include header files in template.c. For example, there is a include "#include "stm32l1xx_gpio.h"",so 
   the dependencies must add a line"<Dependency>GPIO</Dependency>".You will add "<Dependency>CMSIS_BOOT</Dependency>" in almost all
   the examples document.

2. Improve Manufacture peripheral library and correction bugs
    Directly modify the file under the Manufacture peripheral library directory and write a  change log 
 when you push.
3. Add a new example to the existing library
    For example,if you want to add a GPIO example for NUVOTON Mini51,you can just create a new directory
 in Nuvoton\Mini51\cmsis_lib\gpio\example\.
 m--p show how to add a examples. 

4. Update Manufacture peripheral Library which CoIDE already supported.
   This is just like add a new Manufacture peripheral Library which CoIDE not support yet.But the main point is test.
- Download the new Manufacture peripheral library from its official website.
- Split the Manufacture peripheral library to a series components.
- Update a description document which used to show what is this component how to use this component for each component.
- Update a description document which used to show how to upload this component for each component.
- Update an example and corresponding document for each component.This document show what is the example for and how to use this example
- Use the CoIDE to compile and test your code.
- Commit to your fork repository, and send pull request on the github.

5. Add a new chip to CoIDE.
The directory is
  Chip device file which is used by CoIDE.If you want CoIDE to support a new chip,you can write
  a file like this.
 flash algorithm of Mini51
1.Write a chip file: 
Copy /resource\config\devices\template.xml to /$manufacturer$\$series$\config\device\,and and rename template.xml to $chipname$.xml.
This file contains some basic information of the chip.It include Name\Vendor\Family\architecture\Description\Parameters\ReferenceLinks
DebugSetting\Flash\RAM and FlashLoader
You just need to change "XXX" in this file to effective information.

2. Write a flash Algorithm file:
Copy /resource\flash\source\template to /$manufacturer$\$series$\flash\source,and rename template to $series$.Then to achieve FlashAlgoFncs.c
and FlashAlgoInfo.c based on the data sheet and the following information:

3.Write a Debug Mode file:
Copy /resource\config\debugger\template.xml to /$manufacturer$\$series$\config\debugger\,and and rename template.xml to $series$.xml.
This file contains some basic information of the Debug Mode.It include architecture, SWD setting, JTAG setting, Reset setting,
System Reset clock Frequency setting and Memory maps.
You just need to change "XXX" in this file to effective information.


